
Gustavo Lacerda

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Revision as of 20:00, 28 April 2009 by Gusl (talk | contribs)
on vacation in Brooklyn, NY (June 2008)


I'm a grad student at UBC, interested in machine learning and AI, information theory. I'm fond of pretty math, especially when it helps us answer questions about the real world. My best / most useful skill seems to be programming (this is distinct from "hacking", at which I'm merely ok). I can be a pedanticist about notation, and often wish that standard mathematical language were based on lambda calculus.

My background is pretty diverse. I have degrees in Mathematics (BS) and Logic (MSc), I'm a reviewer for CogSci, and I've recently had recommendations written by profs in Computer Science, Philosophy, Statistics, and Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

At SFI, I'm hoping to boost my research on complex networks.