Guillermo Espinoza
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Hello people
I am currently writing my Ph.D. thesis in Applied Mathematics between University of Chili (Chile) and University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France).
Researh Interests
My Research Interests are Dynamical Systems, Systems Biology, Bifurcation & Chaos, Regulatory Networks and Computational Complexity.
Specifically I have been working in my thesis in four problems:
- The study of circuits in boolean regulatory networks and the Thomas
conjecture between dynamic and topological graph structures. I
- A mathematical model for metal stress response in Halobacterium where
we have constructed a model using differential equations and power law formalism, and we have proved that the system is near to be monotone and presents homeostasis behavior.
- I have studied stochastic modeling and simulations
of quorum sensing or cellular communication problem in P. aeruginosa, working in the stochastic simulation algorithm proposed by Gillespie with fast and slow variables.
- Finally I have worked in the desynchronization of stables systems, using homoclinic orbits, particularly in
applications to the Goodwin model involved in the circadian rhythm, moreover we have designed a program and we have proved stability conditions of the Silnikov type.
My papers and practical information can be found in my webpage
I hope to see you soon in Bariloche