May 20 Notes
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Changing the Paradigm
- Current shortcomings of science as a whole
- Methodology
- Meta-issues
- Language
- lack of good and shared LEXICON slows understanding and progress:
- what is a "gene"?
- "genome" vs "chromosome"
- is it "noise", "randomness", "heterogeneity", "diversity"?
- METAPHORS affect what actions are taken and what systems are developed
- "war on cancer" leads to "military industrial complex" for cancer
- POLITICAL CORRECTNESS stiffles progress
- the "e" word
- PARADIGMS proscribe and limit what futures are possible
- treatment of disease vs. promotion of health
- taking evolution seriously means looking at the context that evolved for protection and promotion of cancer
- treatment of disease vs. promotion of health
- lack of good and shared LEXICON slows understanding and progress:
- Technology effects
- hammers & nails
- diff between engineered systems and evolved systems
- parodies belie truth: "how biologists learn to fix a radio"; "frog legs"
- scientists are especially susceptible
- speed of technological change
- Financial & political factors
- Fadism (technological, ideological, novelty)
- Pipeline effects
- Healthcare-industrial-governmental complex
- Difficulty in matching funding to specific people, groups, ideas
- Language
- Spreading the word
- creating big conference (like Understanding Aging and Singularity Summit)
- creating visual and video "body of literature"
- popular magazines (Wired, New Yorker, Harpers)
- newspapers
- conceptual pieces in traditional journals
- internet / web
- cancer complexity wiki merge with SFI wiki?
- individual blogging
- create new online journal
- "big ideas" conferences ([TED], PopTech, and others)
- popular book (ala Tipping Point, Freakonomics, et al)
- public speaking tour
- documentary (ala Inconveniet Truth)
- undergraduate education
- Nowak's program
- textbook specifically for undergrad
- courses surrounding textbook
- Ideas for catalyzing change
- alternative research institute
- piggyback on SFI, Wistar or other existing
- raise funds privately to start new one
- Help NCI clear the hurdles
- [NCI Translational Continuum] ([Pathways to clinical goals)]
- key is to get success stories
- work with each other (and other friendlies) to yield success in somatic evolution validation
- common lexicon
- stake claim on wikipedia
- maverick funders and self-funders
- 23andMe / Google
- creating financial incentives
- prize models
- peer review --> decision markets
- alternative research institute
- Lessons from other paradigm shifts
- what are closest examples?
- how the existing paradigm reacts to attack
- working within the system vs. outside and on the margins
- providing a better alternative (or hope thereof) is important
- Who's missing from this forum?