From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

I'm coming to the summer school to prepare for my postdoc at SFI, studying Technology Evolution.
I'm currently finishing a PhD in Computer Experiments at UBC, where I developed Fast Bayesian Inference to help quantify prediction uncertainty when working with complex computer codes (simulators).
I want to build computer models that can estimate the uncertainty in the predictions by constructing appropriate frequentist confidence sets or Bayesian credible sets.
A major motivation is predicting the future in general and technology forecasting in particular (since the limits of our technological capabilities impose important constraints in the space of possible futures).
My personal philosophy is best described as Extropian and I want Extropy NOW!
I optimize sleeping for brain function, nutrition for longevity, and reading for creativity (new). My research interests include not only those tools that can help us foresee the future, but also potential life-extension technologies that can take us there. I'm also intrigued by current efforts to create a Technological Singularity, e.g. by Artificial General Intelligence.