
The Complexity of Sustainability and Investing Agenda

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SFI ACtioN Virtual Topical Meeting
May 27-28, 2020
Co-sponsored by ACtioN member Putnam Investments

Draft Agenda

May 27, 2020
8:00 am US Mountain Daylight Time (10:00 am EDT, 2:00 pm GMT)

All times are stated in US Mountain Daylight Time.

8:00 am Welcome and Introduction

William Tracy, Santa Fe Institute, and Katherine Collins, Putnam Investments and Santa Fe Institute

8:15 am Topic: The current state of climate change

Daniel Schrag, Harvard University and Santa Fe Institute

8:45 am Practitioner Panel

Moderated by: Katherine Collins, Putnam Investments and Santa Fe Institute

9:30 am Q&A
10:00 am Adjourn

May 28, 2020
8:00 am US Mountain Daylight Time (10:00 am EDT, 2:00 pm GMT)

All times are stated in US Mountain Daylight Time.

8:00 am Topic: Cooperation in the Climate Commons

Simon Levin, Princeton University and Santa Fe Institute

8:30 am Topic: Explaining technological innovation to inform investment in energy systems and sustainability

Jessika Trancik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Santa Fe Institute

9:00 am Practitioner Panel

Moderated by: Katherine Collins, Putnam Investments and Santa Fe Institute

9:30 am Q&A
10:00 am Adjourn