The Complexity of Educational Ecosystems - Agenda
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
SFI ACtioN Topical Meeting
Co-hosted by Boeing
June 4th & 5th, 2018
Santa Fe Institute
On Monday, breakfast will start at 8:30am, with introductions to follow at 9am. Carl Wieman, 2001 Nobel laureate in physics, will make a few opening remarks at 9:30am. After Carl's talk, the day will be oriented around a series of discussion questions (to be distributed and added to the Event Wiki closer to the meeting date). All participants will be encouraged to make a five- to ten-minute presentation related to one of those questions. While slides with data are alright, they are not necessary; the best talks are often extemporaneous. The meeting will continue in this format until 5pm that evening. At 6pm, participants will meet for dinner at La Choza, a famed Santa Fe establishment serving New Mexican cuisine.
Tuesday's meeting will continue until midday in the same format as Monday. In the afternoon, we will organize a collective brainstorming activity to help formalize the meeting's discussion, and map out where the conversation should go next.
If you are interested in a longer stay in Santa Fe, do consider attending SFI's inaugural InterPlanetary Festival, a free event which will takes place June 7th and 8th in Santa Fe's Railyard.