Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2018-Potential Mentors
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2018 |
A complete list of resident faculty list and our postdoctoral fellows can be found here
SFI Postdoctoral Fellows
Andrew Berdahl
Vanessa Ferdinand,
Joshua Garland
Jacopo Grilli
Elizabeth Hobson
Chris Kempes
Artemy Kolchinsky
Mike Price
Andy Rominger
SFI Resident Faculy
Mirta Galesic, SFI
Michael Lachmann, SFI
Cris Moore, SFI
Sidney Redner, SFI
Geoffrey West, SFI
SFI External Faculy
Stephanie Forrest, Arizona State University
Ross Hammond
Manfred Laubichler, Arizona State University
Srividya Iyer-Biswas, Purdue University