Jose Delgado
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Jose Delgado, "jd"
Psychology Department,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
email: jd2 (at) email (dot) arizona (dot) edu
My main academic interest is the relationship between neuroscience, decision making, and the law. Most of my present projects deal either with the relationship between decision making and legal systems, or the relationship between computational neuroscience and decision making.
Some Questions:
1. What are your main interests?
I am interested in the interactions between neuroscience, decision making, and social and legal systems
2. What sorts of expertise can you bring to the group?
I am not much of an expert in anything, but I know some about Law, cognitive science, decision making, neuroeconomics, and computational neuroscience.
3. What do you hope to get out of the CSSS?
Learn as much as possible, meet interesting people, and have a good time.
4. Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS?
I am open to working on any exciting interdisciplinary ideas. But right now I am thinking that since computational neuroscientists seem to be somewhat numerically underrepresented, I might want to focus on that.