Complex Systems Summer School 2016-After Hours
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2016 |
June 23, 6:00pm - Rodeo de Santa Fe
Come on down for the 67th annual Rodeo de Santa Fe! Watch real-life cowboys get thrown off of various species of raging livestock for their competition and your entertainment. Starts at 7:00pm, we should leave SJC about 6:00.
Juni's Car
June 25, 10:00am - Bandelier Field Trip
We're taking a trip to Bandelier National Monument on Saturday June 25th. Please visit the Bandelier Field Trip Page to sign up!
Other Ideas
- Rodeo de Santa Fe, June 22-25th
- Currents New Media Festival, Weekends in the Railyard
- Santa Fe Lavender Festival, June 18-19
- 4th of July on Santa Fe Plaza