Complex Systems Summer School 2013-Participants
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2013 |
To post a photo, bio, and answer the questions below please email them to
- What are your main interests? Feel free to include a "pie in the sky" big idea!
- What sort of expertise can you bring to the group?
- What do you hope to get out of the CSSS?
- Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS?
Also visit the Facebook Complex Systems Summer School Page to get to know each other informally.
[Carol Strohecker], University of North Carolina [Cesar Flores Garcia], Georgia Institute of Technology [Cheryl Abundo], Center for Complexity Science [Christopher Weiss-Lehman], University of Colorado at Boulder [Daniel Roberts], MIT [David Masad], George Mason University [Eitan Pechenick], University of Vermont [Elena Stepanova], Scuola Superiore Sant'Aanna (Italy), University of Olomouc (Czech Republic) [Elisa Omodei], École Normale Supérieure [Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad], Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems [Giuliano Andrea Pagani], University of Groningen [Hassan Shafiey], Max Planck institue for evolutionary anthrology [Holly Arnold], University of Oregon [Hua Cai], University of Michigan [Ian Hatton], McGill University [Ivana Stankov], University of South Australia [James Magdanz], University of Alaska [Jian Yen Monash], University [Joana Patrício], IMAR-CMA [Joao Filipe Monteiro], Brown University [Jody Wright], University of British Columbia [Johannes Schmidt], University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences [John Driscoll], Systems Science [Kerstin Damerau], IIASA [Kevin Stadler], The University of Edinburgh [Kristen Honey], Stanford University [Kyle Mahowald], MIT [Lauren Shoemaker], University of Colorado at Boulder [Luís Seoane], Universitat Pompeu Fabra [Maarten Wensink], Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [Manish Nag], Princeton University [Martin Gerlach], Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems [Masato Yamamichi], Cornell University [Matteo Smerlak], Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics [Mauricio Cantor], Dalhousie University [Max Kleiman-Weiner], MIT [Mehmet Cakir], Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics University of Leipzig [Mengsen Zhang], University of Pennsylvania [MESUT YÜCEL], Ege University [Molly King], Stanford University [Oskar Lindgren], Chalmers University of Technology [Pablo Galindo], Universidad Francisco Marroquín [Puduru Reddy], GERAD, HEC Montreal [Rebecca Mease], Technical University of Munich [Regina Martinez], George Washington University [Roberto Reyes Carranza], University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, American Mathematical Society Member, Campus of Mathematical Research [Susanne Kortsch], University of Tromsø [Swati Patel], UC Davis [Todd Bodnar], Pennsylvania State University [Urbano Franca],IFIC [Yan Xu], Florida State University