
Fabio Cresto Aleina

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Revision as of 04:33, 6 June 2012 by Aleina (talk | contribs)


Hi everybody!

I'm a 2nd year PhD. student in climate sciences. I'm working in Hamburg, Germany, and my main research focus is on scale interactions in the climate-biogeosphere system. Small scale processes occur in various ecosystems and landscapes (e.g., periglacial ecosystems, microtopography in peatlands, vegetation patterns in drylands...). Such local heterogeneities are often important or even fundamental to better understand general and large scale properties of the system, but they are either ignored or poorly parameterized in regional and global circulation models (GCMs). A challenging problem is then how to deal with these interactions across different spatial scales, and how to improve our understanding of the role played by local soil heterogeneities in the climate system. I'm looking forward to learn more about complex systems approaches, that in my view could be extremely powerful methods to deal with such scale problems.

I'm already excited by the interesting discussions that are surely gonna come up in this month. Of course I hope to find new methods and ideas to apply at my research problem, but I'm really open to any new wild/interesting/crazy project very distant from my own field.

In my free time I enjoy playing soccer, hiking and jogging.