
2010 Global Sustainability Summer School-Op-Ed

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Revision as of 03:17, 19 July 2010 by Danajackman (talk | contribs)
2010 Global Sustainability Summer School

This page is intended for op-ed topics and discussion.

Jackman's Idea: Every year big box stores are built on acres of formerly fertile farm land to both the detriment and benefit of small communities. Every year many of those box stores fail or relocate, primarily for expansion. With the failure or departure of these store, we are left with rural "big box-store blight" - huge, unusable buildings and acres of paved, impermeable surfaces that mar the landscape. Upon abandoning retail locations, I think that box store retailers such as Walmart, Whole Foods, Kmart, Krogers, and many others have an obligation to restore the landscape to its original condition or renovate the buildings and parking lots to accommodate other (non-box store) uses. In an op-ed I would like to motivate the necessity for this policy as well as provide suggestions as to how this might be achieved. I expect that these methods will provide disincentives for some box-stores to locate in areas with this requirement, but this is not the objective. Rather, the objectives are to 1) motivate box-stores to locate carefully, 2) discourage them from moving for the purposes of expansion, and 3) maintain the environmental, social, and community value of the landscape.

Way to go Duke... some helpful tips for writing and getting your op-ed published