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1. Ivana <br>
1. Ivana <br>
2. Stephan <br>
2. Stephan <br>
3. Kerstin <br>

==Taos town exploration: Thursday, June 27==
==Taos town exploration: Thursday, June 27==

Revision as of 04:47, 26 June 2013

Complex Systems Summer School 2013

Farewell dinner: Thursday, June 27th

Hi all, I propose we go out for dinner somewhere downtown for one last hurrah! Please put your name down if you are interested in coming along so that I can book a table. One option is going to la casa sena ( all other suggestions welcome... majority wins!

1. Ivana
2. Stephan
3. Kerstin

Taos town exploration: Thursday, June 27

I've rented a car for this Thursday and will drive to Taos for the day. Add your name if you'd like to come along! We'll leave from the Visitors Circle around 10:00. - Carol

1. Carol Strohecker
2. Ming Hsuyen (许晏 XU Yan)
3. Elena Stepanova

Moon solstice picnic - Saturday 22nd

Friends of mine from Santa Fe have invited me for a hike & picnic Saturday evening, to watch the year's biggest moon rise on the hill behind st john's. They're very generous people, and when I told them about the school they insisted that I bring friends along. Since they'll cook and bring the food, I think I cannot reasonably invite more than 4 people though. Write your name and join us! (Meeting at 6:30pm at the fish pond) --Matteo

2. Rebecca Mease

Museum Hill - NOW Sunday 23rd

Would anyone be interested in checking out some of the museums on "Museum Hill" near St. John's? The day is flexible, if people going to Tent Rocks are also interested. Now going Sunday 11:30AM departure - it's within walking distance so anyone can come later as well. Possible museums include: Museum of International Folk Art,
Museum of Indian Arts & Culture,
Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian
Here is some more info about the museums. Anyone interested? --Molly

I'm in. --David

I saw this a bit late...for anyone who did not go today (Saturday the 22nd), I think I will go Sunday (23rd) around noon, followed by a walk down into town. --rebecca

Tent Rocks National Monument on Saturday 22nd

I would like to propose a field trip next Saturday (the 22nd), to visit the Tent Rocks National Monument, which should be a very beautiful place.

Please write your name here if you are interested, so that we can see how many cars we have to rent.

JP's Ferrari (5 seats)

This car will go to the Farmer's Market in the morning, followed by Tent Rocks.
1. JP
2. Kevin
3. Masato
4. Melinda
5. Bruno

Tom's Lamborghini (5 seats)

This car will depart from the benches at 10 AM Saturday, and go directly to Tent Rocks.
1. Tom
2. Elisa
3. Jim
4. Alastair (formerly Bapu's spot)
5. Luiño

June 14 Danger Zone

Text/Call me at 850.545.0034 if you're interested in heading downtown tonight.

We need some partying tonight. Some people are meeting at 7pm to have dinner downtown. Another group is meeting at 8pm -directly to the drinks. Let's coordinate to meet all there. I'm in the 8pm group -Regina (202.412.4555)

-- Ashkaan

June 17 Karaoke

Some of us are heading down to do some Karaoke at the Cowgirl on Monday, let's meet in the parking lot at 8pm-ish and head down together? Swati's gonna sing us some Whitney Houston!

June 19 Rodeo de Santa Fe

We are planning to head to the Rodeo on Wednesday June 19 at 6:00p.m. please meet drivers in the parking circle and post your car if you can drive. Note you can also split a cab there:

Juniper's Car
1. Juniper
2. Bapu
3. Johannes
4. Ashkaan

JP's Car

Brady's Car
1. Brady
2. Jian
3. Oskar
4. Swati
5. Hua

Lauren's Car
1. Lauren
2. Reniel
3. David
4. Ivana
5. Stephan

Still needs a Ride
2. Agam
4. Jody
5. Melinda
6. Luíño
7. Molly
8. Andrea
9. Jim
10. Masato

June 21 Madrid to see Juniper's Brother's band and to dance with hippies

My brother's band Todd and the Fox is playing at the Mine Shaft in Madrid on June 21. Madrid is a ridiculous hippy town and has some of the best people watching there is. To boot, my brother's band is awesome and we can dance and have a great time --Juniper

Thumbs up!! -- Luíño

Sounds great to me!! -- Jody

Sounds fun! I'd love to go. -Molly

I'm in too! -- Kevin

Sounds good! -- Melinda

I'm in too! -- Elisa

I'm in too! -- Johannes

I guess we have to rent cars in order to get there. Anybody wants to organize this? -- Kerstin

I'm in too! -- Filipe

Sorry this is kind of far and my car is already full, so you all will need to self organize for this one. I'll probably get there around 8:30 or so and maybe eat at the Holler before hand, it's really yummy fancy southern food --Juniper

Is anyone with a car planning to go to this concert tonight? If yes, would you be willing to volunteer spaces in your car here and people can sign up? Jody

More Games!

So... I was thinking it might be fun to have a second games night some time this week- either to catch up on the Mafia/werewolf game that we didn't have on Sunday, or perhaps some other game. Some of you may have encountered That Game... which is as always being updated and altered. If you missed out on the first round, or want to play again (or simply want a chance to watch JP dissolving in laughter) then come along. As for Time/Place... Ummm... I feel like Thursday evening might be good, perhaps upstairs lower common room... but if other times/day/place suggested then that's good too.

Bandelier Field Trip

We're taking a trip to Bandelier National Monument on Saturday June 8th. Please visit the Bandelier Field Trip Page to sign up!

More Hiking!

Check the Complex Systems Summer School 2013-Hiking page to see current plans!

Didn't get enough hiking at Bandelier? Come hiking/camping with me! I plan on going on a long hike (all day, preferably 10+ miles) one of the next two weekends. I brought things for camping and would love to do that if there is interest and it is possible to rent tents/sleeping bags in town (or if people want to just sleep outside, also fun). If that is not really possible or people would rather just go for a single day that is great as well. I am open to a lot of different things, there is so much great hiking around Santa Fe!

Some suggestions:

  • Pecos Wilderness - just outside of Santa Fe, lots of trails!
  • Wheeler Peak - tallest mountain in New Mexico, outside of Taos (would require either camping at the base or waking up very early to do it the day of)
  • Carson National Forest - North of Santa Fe, another beautiful forest, lots of different entrance locations

I am up for any other suggestions if people have heard of trails they want to go on. Depending on how the fires progress we may or may not be limited, but should be able to do something! Send me an email if you are interested and we can talk logistics ( Brady

I would love to go! I had a hike in mind too--Tesuque Peak, which is just by the ski area and is 12 miles, but I am up for any of them! -Lauren (

I'm interested! -Hua (

I'm defintley interested - Wheeler Peak sounds very interesting (I have to get camping stuff though)! - johannes (johannes dot schmidt at boku dot ac dot at)

If we did Wheeler Peak, I am highly in favor of the longer class 1 route. The shorter class 2 route has a scree slope at the end, and I really dislike scree (it scares me). If we camped at the trailhead, I have a 3 person tent that we could use. --Lauren

If you'd like a similar experience to Wheeler Peak, but a lot closer, I recommend Santa Fe Baldy (12600'). Well above treeline, with fantastic vistas in all directions. The trailhead is only about 20 minutes away at the Santa Fe Ski Basin. The roundtrip hike is about 14 miles, making it a reasonable day hike. As always with any mountain around here, you need to be off the exposed sections by about 2PM because of the danger from thunderstorms! --John L

More hiking would rock!(Although I'm not sure about optimal length...) --Todd

Music on the Hill

St. John's hosts live music on the soccer field this Wednesday (June 12) as well as next Wednesday (June 19) and the Wednesday after (June 26). Performances start around 6:00 PM. It looks like all of the performers will be doing jazz. I really hope to make the June 19 performance, as this will be big band, which is (usually) great for dancing. Any other swing dancers in our group? -- Vanessa

  • sounds fun to me! -- Hua
  • I'm definitely interested! --Molly
  • Sounds fun to me as welll! --Brady
  • Sounds fun! --Jody


JP LOVES to Play Mafia/Werewolf. Let's set up a time one of these evenings in the lower commons...

This sounds pretty cool. Todd

I like Mafia a lot, and I also brought a card game called Fluxx, and also know a few other games you can play with just paper and pencil (like Bucket of Nouns). I think a game night would be fun! --Molly

I would love to play Go if anyone is interested. --John D -- Count me in!! -- Luíño

We should probably set a time/day/place if we actually want this to happen... I suggest 7:00am on sunday, with the lower common room thing, unless something else is happening then.

I like the game! Count me in! -- Hua

Dance party

Would anyone be interested in some sort of clubbing/dance party some time this month? And to be clear I don't mean going down to a bar to sit round drinking beers- that can be fun too, but I'm meaning something more music/dance focused. If so,

What bars/clubs do people know of the might work? what music do they provide?

What music are people interested in? Remember, music that is good to listen to is not always good for dancing (and to be fair, there's plenty of music which is fun to dance to, but might not actually be "good")

Also, didn't someone mention some degree of DJing or music abilities? I can't remember, but if so, we could try to get our hands on the light rigs in the lecture hall and just make our own dance part from scratch...

  • Our own dance party from scratch sounds fun to me. -- Vanessa

So, some investigation indicates that hosting a large scale party at St Johns could be fairly impossible. She suggested hiring a venue in town... but I figure if that's the case we might as well just head down there and take it over by force of numbers.

  • There is a CSSS "Dance with Breadloaf workshop" scheduled for June 22 starting at 8:00 PM. Is this an actual dance, or is this a complexity science thing??? -- Vanessa

Mountain Biking

I would like to go mountain biking on sunday (9th of June). Anybody interested in joining me? We can rent a bike in the city for either 30$ (hard tail) or 60$(fully), helmets are 4$ extra. For those who are interested: please put your name and your height (needed for bike reservation) here until Thursday evening, I'm going to reserve the bikes then. Johannes_Schmidt

Athletic Things

I've heard lots of people talking about running/walking etc, and at dinner last night we mentioned that it would be fun to have a running group. Anyone interested in having a running/walking group either in the mornings or evenings? Post interest here!

I'm interested in a (quick) walking group in the mornings. It's great to exercise a bit in this nice weather and be able to talk at the same time. Regina

  • I would also be up for quick walking - whether we mean walking briskly or walking for 20-30 min. -- Vanessa

Also, I love ultimate frisbee! Anyone interested in either learning or playing a game perhaps sunday or after dinner one day next week? Let me know! Brady

  • Ultimate would be fun, although I had a pretty bad knee injury years ago and haven't done that much running since then. I could see how long I would last. -- Vanessa
  • That's fine, anything would be fun, even just throwing/teaching people to throw! -Brady
  • Down to play. Anything planned for today? - Bapu
  • I don't have any specific plans today, but would love to either throw or teach if you're interested before the sun goes down. Play for sure tomorrow? Lets say tomorrow after dinner for those interested
  • Lets play frisbee today! (Wed) Meet after dinner and we'll walk over to the fields, or meet us there!

Or basketball? Anybody want to play a pickup game? -I would play a pick up game -Brady


Anyone interested in yoga tomorrow (Sunday 9th) at 7pm? Some of us are going to [[1]]. We are meeting at 6:30pm. There is only one more space in Lauren's car. But, if there are more people interested, we can try to find a solution for the commute. Regina

Hi Regina - I would be interested in joining you for yoga if there is still space. Please email me at and let me know. Thanks! - Jody

Anyone want to go to yoga tomorrow (Tuesday the 11th) evening? We were thinking of going to Hatha yoga at 5:30, so leaving campus at 5:00. We'll go to dinner afterwards too. Send me an email ( if interested. Lauren

Sightseeing Weekend

Anyone interested in going on a weekend road trip? This could be more of an 'easy going' option to the hiking trip proposed above. I was thinking of maybe driving up to Taos and doing some whitewater rafting and general sightseeing. Let me know if you are interested or have any other ideas. I don't have a car but am able to drive...

- Ivana


If you, like me, believe that CSSS lives on after Saturday 29...

If you, like me, are hanging around because you can't leave this sacred piece of ground anymore...

If you, like me, believe this month is only the beginning of a life that wasn't before...

Then you believe on the forth weekend!! I know many of you will stay a few days after CSSS is over and it would be nice to organize ourselves soon. So, if we choose to go somewhere, say taking a flight, we could get cheaper prices, etc! Also we will be needing shelter after the 29th. This might be an urgent thing ;) Let's use this to organize ourselves! I post some ideas below that I've heard around these days. -- Luíño

  • Trip to the Gran Canyon?
  • Camping in some national park?
  • Trip to San Francisco?
  • Trip to Las Vegas where we make up random couples and get married :?

I vote for Grand Canyon + San Francisco. I have my plane back home from Albuquerque on the 7th of July, so I am totally in for post school plans! -- Elisa

If you come to San Francisco, I can probably show you some cool places. -- Nix

Indoor climbing/bouldering on saturday (22)

Me (Oskar), Jian and Swahi are visiting the local climbing gym tomorrow. If you wanna try bouldering and maybe some rope climbing, we are leaving from the cafeteria at 10.00 after breakfast. If you feel like coming, you can email me at oskarxvi at gmail dot com (or just show up). We will visit the market and grap some lunch in town afterwards. See you!