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  * Created on January 22, 2005, 6:11 PM
  * Created on January 22, 2005, 6:11 PM
  * Modified June 17, 2006 17:20 by Jack
  * Modified June 18, 2006 12:45 by Jack

Line 365: Line 366:
Collections.sort(tempList, compNodes);
Collections.sort(tempList, compNodes);
double skillSum = 0;
CustomNode node;
for (int i = numAgents -x; i < numAgents; i++){
    node = agentList.get(i);
    skillSum += node.getSkill();
return skillSum;

for(CustomNode agent : tempList){
    // calcRepSkillMatch
    System.out.printf("Agent %d has rep %f\n", agent.getID(), agent.getReputation());
    // inputs: none
    // outputs: double, the fraction of cases that a Rep and Skill match
    // (High/Low)
    public double calcRepSkillMatch(){
double count = 0;
for(CustomNode node : agentList){
    if (node.getReputation() <= 0.5 & node.getSkill() <= 0.5){
count ++;
    else if (node.getReputation() > 0.5 & node.getSkill() > 0.5){
count ++;
return 0;
return count / ((double) numAgents);  


Revision as of 18:47, 18 June 2006


 * Created on January 22, 2005, 6:11 PM
 * Modified June 18, 2006 12:45 by Jack

package RepMod;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import uchicago.src.sim.engine.BasicAction;
import uchicago.src.sim.engine.Schedule;
//import uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimModelImpl;
//import uchicago.src.sim.gui.DisplaySurface;
//import uchicago.src.sim.gui.Network2DDisplay;
import uchicago.src.sim.gui.OvalNetworkItem;
//import uchicago.src.sim.util.Random;
import uchicago.src.sim.util.SimUtilities;
//import uchicago.src.sim.gui.CircularGraphLayout;
//import uchicago.src.sim.gui.KamadaGraphLayout;
//import uchicago.src.sim.gui.AbstractGraphLayout;
//import uchicago.src.sim.gui.Object2DDisplay;
import uchicago.src.sim.util.*;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;


 * @author Jack Waddell

public class RepMod extends ModelParameters{
    // model variables
    public int numAgents = 16;
    public ArrayList<CustomNode> agentList = new ArrayList<CustomNode> (numAgents);
    public int worldXSize = 400;
    public int worldYSize = 400;

    public Schedule schedule;   // Schedules Events
    public CompNodeRep compNodes;       // compares node reputations
    // The P parameter for regular lattice -> small world rewiring   
    // Also used as the probability in the random network
    public double reconnectProb;

    // the connection radius of the regular lattice
    public int    connectRadius;

    // selects which network type to use in
    public int    netType;

    // Stores how frequently, in units of time steps, to update...
    public int updateInterval;          // The report file
    public int pajekUpdateInterval;     // The pajek files

    Network net;   // The network class
    // The following class performs calculations on the network
    NetUtilities netCalculator = new NetUtilities();

    // the degree to weight the voter's historical opinion vs. new opinion
    public double histWeight; 

    // voteType, whether to use democratic or meritocratic votes
    // 0 = democratic
    // 1 = meritocratic
    public int voteType;

    /** Creates a new instance of RepMod */
    public RepMod() {
    // begin
    // builds model-required elements
    public void begin () {
        buildModel ();
        buildSchedule ();

    // addModelSpecificParameters
    // Maps the input parameters.
    public void addModelSpecificParameters () {
	parametersMap.put( "size", "numAgents");	
	parametersMap.put( "ui", "updateInterval");
	parametersMap.put( "rP", "reconnectProb");
	parametersMap.put( "cR", "connectRadius");
	parametersMap.put( "nT", "netType");
	parametersMap.put( "pUI", "pajekUpdateInterval");
	parametersMap.put( "vT", "voteType");
	parametersMap.put( "hW", "histWeight");

    // getInitParam
    // Controls what appears the the GUI parameter panel
    public String[] getInitParam () {
	String[] params = { "numAgents", "connectRadius", 
			    "reconnectProb", "netType", "voteType",
			    // these are from the super class:
			    "rDebug", "seed"};
	return params;
    // getters and setters
    // ********************   Note   *************************
    // Specific format required if using inputted parameters
    //  (either through batch or gui)
    public int  getWorldXSize () {return worldXSize;}
    public void setWorldXSize (int size) {worldXSize = size;}
    public int  getWorldYSize () {return worldYSize;}
    public void setWorldYSize (int size) {worldYSize = size;}
    public int  getNumAgents() {return numAgents;}
    public void setNumAgents(int i) {numAgents = i;}

    public double getReconnectProb() {return reconnectProb;}
    public void   setReconnectProb(double i) {reconnectProb = i;}
    public int  getConnectRadius() {return connectRadius;}
    public void setConnectRadius(int i) {connectRadius = i;}

    public void setNetType(int i) {netType = i;}
    public int  getNetType() {return netType;}
    public void setVoteType(int i) {voteType = i;}
    public int  getVoteType() {return voteType;}

    public void   setHistWeight(double i) {histWeight = i;}
    public double getHistWeight() {return histWeight;}

    public int    getUpdateInterval() {return updateInterval;}
    public void  setUpdateInterval(int i) {updateInterval = i;}
    public int    getPajekUpdateInterval() {return pajekUpdateInterval;}
    public void  setPajekUpdateInterval(int i) {pajekUpdateInterval = i;}
    // buildModel
    // Does what it says
    public void buildModel(){
	if(rDebug > 0)
	    System.out.printf("Build Model Begin\n");
	// CALL FIRST -- defined in super class -- it starts RNG, etc
	// set static parameters in node class

	// setup the network class
        net = new Network(numAgents, connectRadius, reconnectProb);


	// have the network class build the network
        net.buildAdjacencyMatrix(netType);  // first build the adjacency matrix

	net.buildAgentList();		    // then the agent list
        agentList = net.getAgentList();
	// setup the gamemaster
	compNodes = new CompNodeRep();

	// prepare pajek file
        System.out.printf("Build Model End\n");
    // buildSchedule
    // Sets what is to happen, when.
    public void buildSchedule () {

	// schedule the current BatchModel's step() function
	// to execute every time step starting with time  step 0
	schedule.scheduleActionBeginning( 0, this, "step" );

	// Schedule to stop at a particular time, StopT.  Rem out
	// to run indefinitely
	schedule.scheduleActionAt(getStopT(), this, "processEndOfRun");

	// Only run every updateInterval steps
	schedule.scheduleActionAtInterval(updateInterval, new BasicAction() {
		public void execute() {
		    System.gc();         // garbage collect
		    stepReport();        // write step report
	    }, Schedule.LAST);

	// Only run every pajekUpdateInterval steps
	schedule.scheduleActionAtInterval(pajekUpdateInterval, new BasicAction() {
		public void execute() {
		    nextPajekNetwork();  // write pajek file and open new one
      }, Schedule.LAST);
	// Execute at step 1 only
	schedule.scheduleActionAt(1, new BasicAction() {
		public void execute() {
	    }, Schedule.LAST);
    // printProjectHelp
    // this could be filled in with some help to get from running with 
    // -help parameter
    public void printProjectHelp() {
	// print project help
	System.out.printf( "\n%s -- \n", getName() );
	System.out.printf( "\n **** Add more info here!! **** \n" );
	System.out.printf( "\n" );
	System.exit( 0 );
    // Setup
    // Prepares the model, or resets it after the reset button is pressed
    // in GUI model
    public void setup () {
	if ( rDebug > 0 )
	    System.out.printf( "<== Model setup() done.\n" );
	// Clean up previous instances
	schedule = null;
	System.gc ();
	// Set default values
	// These are overwritten by inputted values, if any
	numAgents              = 64;
	updateInterval         = 1000;
	pajekUpdateInterval    = 5000;
        worldXSize             = 400;
        worldYSize             = 400;

	netType = 0;
	connectRadius = 2;
	reconnectProb = 0.1;
	voteType = 0;
	histWeight = 0;

        agentList = new ArrayList (numAgents);

        super.setup();	// Reads in input values
	schedule = new Schedule (1);
	// some post-load finishing touches
	// you probably don't want to remove any of the following
	// calls to process parameter changes and write the
	// initial state to the report file.
	// NB -> you might remove/add more agentChange processing
    // step
    // governs what happens at each step
    public void step(){

    // stepNodes
    // Steps each node.
    //  Has each vote for neighbors, then has each calculation
    //   own reputation.
    public void stepNodes(){
	for(CustomNode node : agentList){
	for(CustomNode node : agentList){
    // addAgent
    // Input: CustomNode agent
    // Output: none
    // Adds a new agent to the agent list
    public void addAgent(CustomNode agent){

    // delAgent
    // Input: CustomNode agent
    // Output: none
    // Deletes an agent from the agent list
    public void delAgent(CustomNode agent){

    // calcAvgReputation()
    public double calcAvgReputation(){
	double sum = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++){
	    CustomNode node = (CustomNode) agentList.get(i);
	    sum += (double) node.getReputation();
	return sum/(double) numAgents;

    // calcTopRepSkills
    // inputs: int x, the number of top agents include
    // outputs: double, the reputation of the top x agents
    //  This calculates the sum of the skils of the top x agents
    public double calcTopRepSkills(int x){
	ArrayList<CustomNode> tempList = new ArrayList<CustomNode>();
	Collections.sort(tempList, compNodes);
	double skillSum = 0;
	CustomNode node;
	for (int i = numAgents -x; i < numAgents; i++){
	    node = agentList.get(i);
	    skillSum += node.getSkill();
	return skillSum;

    // calcRepSkillMatch
    // inputs: none
    // outputs: double, the fraction of cases that a Rep and Skill match 
    // (High/Low)
    public double calcRepSkillMatch(){
	double count = 0;
	for(CustomNode node : agentList){
	    if (node.getReputation() <= 0.5 & node.getSkill() <= 0.5){
		count ++;
	    else if (node.getReputation() > 0.5 & node.getSkill() > 0.5){
		count ++;
	return count / ((double) numAgents); 

    // stepReport
    // each step write out:
    //   time  expectivity
    // Note: update the writeHeaderCommentsToReportFile() to print
    //       lines of text describing the data written to the report file.
    public void stepReport () {
	String s;
	s = String.format("%f",

	//writeLineToReportFile ( "<stepreport>" + s + "</stepreport>" );
	writeLineToPlaintextReportFile( s );
	// flush the buffers so the data is not lost in a "crash"
    // writeHeaderCommentsToReportFile
    // customize to match what you are writing to the report files in 
    // stepReport.
    public void writeHeaderCommentsToReportFile () {
	writeLineToReportFile( "<comment>" );
	writeLineToReportFile( "                        " );
	writeLineToReportFile( "  time    expectivity   " );
	writeLineToReportFile( "</comment>" );
	writeLineToPlaintextReportFile( " #time" );
    public Schedule getSchedule () {
        return schedule;
    public String getName () {
        return "Network";
    public ArrayList<CustomNode> getAgentList() {return agentList;}
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit init = new uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit ();
        RepMod model = new RepMod ();
        init.loadModel (model, null, false);
    // The following are some debugging methods
    public static void printVector(double[] vector){
        for(int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++){
            System.out.printf("%f ", vector[i]);
    public static void printVector(int[] vector){
        for(int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++){
            System.out.printf("%d ", vector[i]);
    public void printAgentList(){
        System.out.printf("Printing agentList, size = %d\n", agentList.size());
        CustomNode node;
        CustomNode inode;
        for(int i = 0; i < (agentList.size()); i++){
	    node = (CustomNode) agentList.get(i);
	    ArrayList <CustomNode> outNodes = node.getToNodes();
	    System.out.printf("Node %d points to (%d objects): ", node.getID(),
	    for(int j = 0; j < (outNodes.size()); j++){
		inode = (CustomNode) outNodes.get(j);
		System.out.printf(" %d ", inode.getID());
    // nextPajekNetwork
    // closes the current pajek file and opens the new one.
    public void nextPajekNetwork(){
	net.startPajekFile((int) schedule.getCurrentTime()/pajekUpdateInterval + 1);

    // processEndOfRun
    // ends process
    public void processEndOfRun ( ) {
	long finalStep = (long) schedule.getCurrentTime();
	if ( rDebug > 0 )  
	    System.out.printf("\n\n===== Model processEndOfRun =====\n\n" );

    // Inner classes

    private class CompNodeRep implements Comparator{
	public CompNodeRep(){
	public int compare(Object o1, Object o2){
	    CustomNode nodei = (CustomNode) o1;
	    CustomNode nodej = (CustomNode) o2;
	    if (nodei.getReputation() < nodej.getReputation())
		return -1;
	    else if (nodei.getReputation() > nodej.getReputation())
		return 1;
		return 0;
