
Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity - Agenda

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2011 Graduate Workshop in Social Science

(very) Tentative Schedule

Talks will be held in the Chamisa Building (room 102). Week 1

Week 1

   * Sunday, 19 June
         o 1700-2000: reception and dinner at the Thorpe Room. 
   * Monday, 20 June
         o 0900-0930: welcome and administrative details
         o 0930-1200: introduction to computational social science (Miller/Page)
         o 1200-1300: lunch
         o 1300-1330: small group homework problem
         o 1330-1400: computer details
         o 1400-1700: work on homework 
   * Tuesday, 21 June
         o 1000-1200: homework discussion (group presentations)
         o 1200-1400: lunch, prepare individual talks
         o 1400-1730: individual student talks (~10 minutes each) on current/future work
         o 1900-?: continue student talks (if needed) 
   * Wednesday, 22 June
         o 1000-1200: adaptive computation and applications--John Miller, CMU and SFI
         o 1200-1400: lunch
         o 1300-1500: complexity, culture, and diversity--Scott Page, U Mich and SFI 
   * Thursday, 23 June
         o 1000: homework write-ups due (single directory with index.html and associated html files)
         o 1000-1200: monkeys and games---Simon DeDeo, SFI fellow
         o 1200-1400: lunch
         o 1400-1600: evolution of the human family---Laura Fontunato, SFI fellow 
   * Friday, 24 June
         o 0900: cars to SFI leaving from the circle near the pond
         o 10-12: work and one-on-one project discussions
         o 1200-1300: lunch at SFI
         o 1300-: work and one-on-one discussions
         o 1505-: why observing social influence is hard---Cosma Shalizi, CMU and SFI
         o 1700: cars return to St. John's 
   * Saturday, 25 June
         o Fun in New Mexico! Various opportunities, including rafting, pueblo tours, hot springs, hiking, old churches, ruins, etc., etc. 

Week 2

   * Sunday, 26 June
         o work, work, work 
   * Monday, 27 June
         o 0900: two page project descriptions (and two designated ``referees) are due for your Friday paper
         o 0900-1230: individual meetings on projects (~15 minutes each)
         o 1200-1300: lunch
         o individual research 
   * Tuesday, 28 June
         o individual research
         o 18:15-19:30 Science Writing---George Johnson and John German (St. John's Lecture Hall) 
   * Wednesday, 29 June
   * 1810: shuttles leaving for Ian Couzin's public lecture
         o individual research 
   * Thursday, 30 June
         o individual research 
   * Friday, 1 July (subject to change)
         o 0830: leave for SFI via cars
         o 0900: paper due
         o 0900-1330: paper presentations at SFI medium conference room (~20 minutes each)
         o 1330-1500: lunch/BBQ
         o 1500-1700: paper presentations 
   * Saturday, 2 July
         o 0900-1200: exit interviews 

St. John's meal times (7 days a week)--subjected to change:

   * 0800-1000: breakfast (Mon-Fri)
   * 0830-1030: breakfast (Sat)
   * 1030-1330: brunch (Sat and Sun)
   * 1130-1330: lunch (Mon-Fri)
   * 1700-1900: dinner (Mon-Sun) 

Coffee Shop:

   * 0800-2400 (Mon and Thurs)
   * 0800-2200 (Tues and Weds)
   * 0800-2000 (Fri)
   * 1300-1700 (Sat)
   * 1100-2100 (Sun)